Rice Lake Utilities

The Power of Local Ownership

Links For You

American Public Power Association


APPA is the service organization for the nation's more than 2,000 local publicly owned electric utilities.

American Water Works Association


The authoritative resource for safe drinking water.

Customers First! Coalition


A Coalition to Preserve Wisconsin's Reliable and Affordable Electricity.

Focus on Energy 


Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Focus information, resources and financial incentives help to implement projects that otherwise would not get completed, or to complete projects sooner than scheduled. Its efforts help Wisconsin residents and businesses manage rising energy costs, promote in-state economic development, protect our environment and control the state's growing demand for electricity and natural gas.

Home Energy Plus (HE+) Online Application


The Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources has created an online application portal for customers to submit Home Energy Plus Applications. Customers can access the online application via computers and mobile devices. Customers need an email address and their Social Security Number in order to complete an online application. Customers will initially be sent a 6-digit passcode to their email address in order to start the application. Once a customer submits their online application, the application is sent to the HE+ System to be processed by Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) workers. WHEAP workers from the customer’s county/tribe will complete the application in the HE+ System.

Municipal Electric Utilities of Wisconsin


MEUW is the state association representing the 82 locally-owned, locally-controlled municipal electric utilities in Wisconsin. The association has served municipal electric utilities in Wisconsin since 1928.  

Public Service Commission of Wisconsin 


An independent regulatory agency responsible for the regulation of more than 1,300 Wisconsin public utilities, including those that are municipally owned.

Rice Lake Area Chamber of Commerce


Rice Lake is a thriving community with a strong industrial base and a great retail trade center for the area. We have an excellent educational and health care system, and nature supplies us with some of the finest recreational opportunities.

Rice Lake Economic Development


Rice Lake Main Street Association


The Rice Lake Main Street Program will revitalize downtown making it a better place to shop, work and pursue leisure activities. It will enhance community identity and heritage, ensure economic stability in the heart of Rice Lake thereby the community as a whole. 

Rice Lake Online


The ONLY site for News, Sports, Weather and everything you are looking for in Rice Lake.  

The City of Rice Lake


Rice Lake Tourism


The official Rice Lake Tourism website. 

Wisconsin Rural Water Association


To assist water/wastewater systems to improve and preserve the quality and quantity of water resources in the State of Wisconsin.  

Wisconsin Wastewater Operators' Association


The WWOA is comprised of about 1,700 wastewater treatment plant professionals serving municipalities and industries throughout the state.

Wisconsin's Diggers Hotline


State law requires anyone doing excavation work in Wisconsin to give at least three working days notice to Diggers Hotline prior to digging.