Rice Lake Utilities
The Power of Local Ownership
Wastewater Department
Rice Lake Utilities maintains a wastewater treatment plant that helps ensure the sustainability and cleanliness of our lakes, streams and drinking water that includes 78 miles of sanitary sewer mains. The wastewater utility serves over 3,900 customers and processes approximately 1.7 million gallons of wastewater each day, which is over 626 million gallons each year. Wastewater treatment includes 14.9 million gallons of holding/septic/grease, 24.5 million gallons of leachate and 58.3 million gallons of industrial waste. Capital assets of the wastewater utility are valued at over $21 million dollars.
The City of Rice Lake's permit for the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) program
The 2023 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report for the wastewater treatment plant in the City of Rice Lake
An overview of Rice Lake Utilities' sanitary sewer collection system, who to call if you have problems, how to prevent problems in the first place, and how we maintain the sanitary sewer system
A brochure from the Wisconsin DNR explaining building sewer maintenance and repair
Seven ways to keep your building sewer flowing
Rice Lake Utilities encourages homeowners and businesses to have routine sanitary sewer service line cleaning and root cutting performed
"Flushable" wipes should not really be flushed down the toilet