Rice Lake Utilities
The Power of Local Ownership
Customer Forms
Our customer service request form is for our customers who are moving in or moving out of a residence or commercial/industrial business.
Note: Please return any of the below completed forms to us via one of the following methods:
Email the form to customerservice@ricelakeutilities.com
Fax the form to 715-236-7934
Leave the form in one of our drop boxes
Mail the form to:
Rice Lake Utilities
320 W Coleman St
Rice Lake, WI 54868
If you are unable to use the online Customer Service Request form above, you can print the form and return it to us instead.
You can sign up to have your utility bills deducted from your checking or savings account on the due date each month. This is an option that we offer to all of our customers. If you would like to choose this as a payment option for all of your Rice Lake Utilities monthly bills, simply fill out the form and return it to our staff. This is a perfect way for Rice Lake Utilities customers to help us keep the cost of operations lowest.
If you have a medical emergency, you can postpone service disconnection. If you have the need for this service, we would be happy to accommodate you confidentially.
If you are building a new home in Rice Lake, we ask that you use this form.
If you are building a new commercial or industrial facility in Rice Lake, we ask that you use this form.
Rice Lake Utilities requires that all underground electric services be installed under an easement. This will make sure the route for these facilities is clear and well defined for you and Rice Lake Utilities personnel.
Time-Of-Use Request
Rice Lake Utilities offers Time-Of-Use (TOU) options for several customer classes. This is a great opportunity for you to take advantage of our low rate for the off-peak periods. If you would like to sign up for TOU service, use the appropriate form below and please call us if you have any questions.
For customers requesting a new water service connection, we ask that you or your contractor use this form. It will allow our staff to make the proper arrangements for coordination of the project.
For customers requesting a new connection between a private fire protection system and our water system, we ask that you or your contractor use this form. It will allow our staff to make the proper arrangements for coordination of the project.
For water and wastewater customers who would like the opportunity to save money on their wastewater charges, this program is for you. The water that is used for watering lawns and other outside activities in which the water will not be discharged in the sanitary sewer will be deducted from your sewer usage. Consequently, you will not be assessed sewer charges for this amount.
This form is for customers who need to get water out of a hydrant.
A sales and use tax exemption was created in 2003 Wisconsin Act 99 for fuel and electricity consumed in manufacturing tangible personal property in Wisconsin. This exemption took effect on January 1, 2006. To claim this exemption, manufacturers must provide an exemption certificate to the supplier of the fuel and electricity.
For customers who would like to install, own, and/or operate wireless facilities on or supported by the Utility's poles to be used to provide wireless service.
This form is for customers who would like a third-party to be able to have access to their utility billing information.
Distributed Generation Forms